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In a crowd of people all look the same

Research has shown that users usually read until the fifth page results when they do not find related search results. According to a survey conducted in by prospect, an of the leading companies operating in the marketing arena, and Jupiter Research Also, of search engine users. They belong what they are looking at the first page of search results said that changing your search terms or even machine anaziti- showed that of engine users prospection meet visiting the pages that are on the first page of results and loss. Another finding of the survey is that sees only the- RESULTS located in the first three pages. prospect, Search Engine User Behavior Study, April- ing while say they will access the first three pages effect- and loss and then make changes.

Quantitative results obtained by searching each significant word

Finally, of users agree that seeing a site at the top of the results, they believe that the page is the most appropriate the scope of and show more confidence in the contents matter of, rather than on other pages. This phenomenon is mostly observed in corporate websites.Another important research on marketing, on the mechanical Search sidle, held in on the prospection of logs meets of AOL indicates local seo services the importance of the position in the results prospection meet in the percentage of clicks a website. Another important element of the research is that of users click on the first is results while. read the whole list first and then decide which page to visit.

















clearly demonstrates the difference between clicks of the first result the second or fewer entries. Figure.: Statistics of clicks in search results Accordingly, need a website created to obey small business seo packages different rules, rules that their proper use will It makes you stand out. Finding the rules and their optimal application in Throughout the website called website optimization for non- Search loses.- The rest of the thesis is as follows: Chapter presents the basics of optimization websites for search engines. An introduction to the terms and to mean directly connected with the optimization and a reference fields is applied. Followed by the recording of data and of optimization techniques with examples and for completeness complainant abuse affordable seo packages and ways of optimization (malicious against).

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Chapter specifies the optimization solutions that exist and the local seo services Chapter presents various tools widely used optimizing a website. Chapter describes the functional likeness and technical details of seo application developed. The thesis concludes in chapter where generally recorded conclusions and given guidelines for extensions.Pages optimization for Search Engines Optimization called the structure formation process and a website content according to certain technical and re- Novel to be as friendly as possible in the search engines. Final target is the high ranking of the website in the pages of results the search engines and increase traffic through or- Interinstitutional results, in Internet users results searching the search engines with keywords related to the contents entrant site.. Basic Concepts affordable seo packages History.

Keywords The keywords are probably the most important element is his- page. The keywords are nothing more than normal words or text phrases. but they called keys because they are the key to is- to selidas. Are the words that characterize the content of a website, words with a simple registration the user should be aware on What is it about view more the page. Search engines are the main users of the keywords and are a vital part of optimization. Searching for and finding the right keywords is the first step that must be taken into account when designing an optimization campaign. Finding keywords that will be used treated in should employ a team for more than a few me- hours, if you want to achieve the optimum result and the proper use of Power hiding. Without the proper study of what words are invitation some popular category where a site belongs labors campaign can not perform or will perform poorly.

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